The department of Kazakh Language and Literature has carried out a number of online defending of diploma works for students of the correspondence department.

The process of defending the thesis of part-time students of the Karaganda Academy “Bolashaq” under 7 educational programs, which began on April 29, 2020, is carried out online due to the emergency situation in the country.

6B01701 – Thesis defense on the educational program “Kazakh language and literature” was conducted with the use of available information and communication technologies.
Most of the themes of the thesis are fully consistent with the requirements of today’s education, ie the translation of the Kazakh script into Latin script, based on the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayevich, the idea of the program “Spiritual Revival: Orientation to the Future”.

Bolashaq Academy has a well-organized online thesis defense, ie the opinion of the supervisor, external feedback on the results of the work, a standard checklist, documents confirming that the work has passed the anti-plagiarism program.
The review of the bachelor’s thesis shows that he is fully acquainted with the work, the reviewer notes that the work was performed in accordance with the content of the topic, in accordance with the requirements, was able to analyze and analyze the problem.

Members of the state certification commission and supervisors also felt a great responsibility for the work assigned to them. He was interested in the perfect defense of the thesis and helped to increase the activity of students. The corporate spirit, cooperation and unity of teachers of the department, including the group curator, were obvious.
At the same time, the enthusiasm of the graduates for their topic, the desire to convey it clearly and concisely, was especially felt in the defense. Students are well versed in the online mode and have a high level of preparation. He gave clear, concise and high-quality answers to the questions related to the bachelor’s thesis. Bachelor’s theses are introduced into the educational process and used in the classroom where they teach, the presentation slide on the topic is decorated in accordance with the requirements.

Students who defended their work and were active were advised to apply for a master’s degree. For example, the following graduates were distinguished in the defense: Azimbekov B., Aimagambetova A., Amantaeva A., Akhmetzhanova E., Imanbekova B., Mukhanova G., Seksenova Z., Baizhumanova А. etc.
In general, the defense of the thesis online was not a problem, but we noticed that the students tried to speak freely in front of the monitor and to express their views in a systematic way.
Therefore, other types of online work (lectures, seminars, conferences, internships, etc.) have proven their effectiveness. It is time to actively pursue and further improve this process.