Not a personal opinion…status quo

Time dictates its conditions and the modus vivendi of entire states changes their internal goals and objectives. Our country, having survived the upheavals of the twentieth century, having emerged from the shackles of a repressive totalitarian regime, we have turned into a free, developing with confident steps and an independent state, which everyone considers and where democratic foundations and traditions are absorbed by the people of Kazakhstan, they understand that patriotism and politics without a basis for work, the welfare of every citizen of Kazakhstan, the economy and scientific and technological progress is impossible.

Problems have repeatedly appeared in a number of countries in the world, the resolution of which, after their disappearance, carried ambiguous and sometimes drastic changes in both cultural, social and technological paradigms of the country’s life.

I am not saying that the use of atomic energy carries only positive or only negative realities. Caution and slowness in conducting the referendum cannot but affect the majority of the population, but haste and imprudence in making a proper response during the referendum will not bring any political dividends to anyone.

Being a specialist in the political sphere – a public figure who tends to numerical calculations, but not a humanitarian, I, in turn, want to show the following that the construction of a nuclear power plant does not determine the technical development of a country, but only shows a willingness to make strong-willed decisions through the voice of the people. In this particular case, who, in turn, is not fully versed in technical or economic aspects, can express his opinion ambivalently, without going into the subtle nuances of the subject of the issue under discussion.

In theoretical political science, the issue of the hermeneutics of power is a matter of finding resources to approve the explicit or latent process of developing preferences of one side or another, ready to resolve such specific challenges of the time, ultimately, only an act of a political system that is not ready to take responsibility into its own hands with a pluralism of opinions and consensus of diverse goals.

Also, there are no concepts in politics that explain the subject I am explaining, politics is an ambitious competition in gaining power, and therefore, I emphasize that in a reference form, our country, as a political construct or a complex mechanism on the one hand, and the people of Kazakhstan on the other, together making efforts, can win more than to lose. And this is possible only if, in my opinion, the following conditions are unconditionally fulfilled:

Funds for the construction of the NPP will be accumulated from the internal reserves of the country’s budget;
External economic injections will be replaced by investments only by Kazakhstani entrepreneurs, without any influence from foreign businesses and TNCs, who will have control levers during the construction and operation of nuclear power plants;
The construction of a nuclear power plant will be a truly Kazakh construction site if all universities, enterprises, factories and other elements of the native Kazakh industry and industry are connected to the implementation of the project;
The management and operators of the project will use Kazakhstani scientific and technical personnel, scientists, workers – from planning to operation;
No part of the energy received at our nuclear power plant will go at bargain prices “beyond the cordon” – a categorical ban!;
Unlimited control of the media, NGOs and the public during the construction and operation of the NPP;
Continuous and impartial control by the Justice and Finance committee to oversee the expenditure of funds at each stage of the project.

The referendum will be decided by the will of the Kazakh people, and what its results will be, it will be a free and democratic choice!

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