On November 14, 2024, senior lecturer of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines Akhmetova Assel Kasenovna organized and conducted a visit to the Specialized Interdistrict Juvenile Court of the Karaganda region.This meeting is held in order to implement the plan of educational work of the department. The event was attended by second-year students of the U-23-1 group.

Nurmagambetova Gulnur Zhaksybaykyzy, the head of the administrator of the district and equivalent court, met us in court. Gulnur Zhaksybaykyzy conducted a tour of the courthouse, familiarized with the history of the creation of specialized juvenile courts in Kazakhstan, focused on the important direction of judicial and legal reform in terms of ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children. The international pilot project “Juvenile Justice in Kazakhstan has become the first step in the creation of juvenile courts. At the IV Republican Congress of Judges on June 3, 2005, the Head of State set the task of creating specialized juvenile courts in the country.

A special feature of the court is the possibility of obtaining qualified legal assistance by contacting legal advice or the lawyers on duty at the juvenile court. The students also visited the courtroom, the offices of a mediator, a narcologist, and a prosecutor.

I believe that the students of the Academy should have a harmonious combination of theory and practice. Looking at a specific life situation (especially where the interests of children are involved) in conflict conditions through the prism of regulations, contracts or judicial practice is not always sufficient to achieve a result. After all, a good lawyer is not someone who knows the law and practice, but someone who is able to model the situation, influence the circumstances of the dispute and change them in favor of his client.
Due to the huge amount of information, a future lawyer needs to develop critical thinking skills, which is expressed in considering the information received.

Working with judicial practice is the study of each specific case in the smallest detail – facts that are particles of atoms, the formation of which is the activity of a REAL lawyer.