Students of the Department of Kazakh language and literature of the Academy “Bolashaq ” conducted the final report on the practice online.

Students of group K-17-1, 6b01701- academic program ” Kazakh language and literature “of “Bolashaq” Academy 29.05.2020 conducted a report of pedagogical practice in online mode.
During the pedagogical practice, students master the knowledge they have gained in all subjects through practical application in General education schools.Students of group K-17-1 full-time Department defended their assigned teaching experience online in accordance with the list.
- Magrupjan Beksultan
- Shamaeva Akgul
- Fayzullayeva Zukhra
- Rakhimbrkova Rauana
- Alimbaeva Arailym
- Kudaibergen Toleubala
- Tastanbekova Balnur
- Amantay Yerkezhan
- Bakytbek Zarina
- Altay Aktoty
- Omirtaev Torebay

When accepting the practice report, the following types of work were performed::
- accounting and quality of practice;
- how much is the student used to practical work;
- ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice;
- motivation, qualifications and skills of the student;
- creative completion of a given task;
- result of practice;
The conference was opened by the head of the practice Raikhan Religioun. A queue of students of the K-17-1 group was held to register their practice. Everyone took part in the final reporting conference. During the meeting, the main directions of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev “Nurly Zhol-the way to the future”were discussed. During the report, slides, photos, sample lesson plans, visual aids, and open lessons were shown. During the event, the main directions of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan were discussed. During the practice, students showed their activity.
The online conference was attended by head of the Department of Kazakh language and literature, Professor of Kurmangazy Sembiev Zakirovich,associate Professor Raikhan Ismailova Nalzhitkyzy, from the Department of practice of our Academy Zhumagul Konysbaeva , the curator of docent Abdrakhmanov Rustem Hasanovich.

The online conference was attended by head of the Department of Kazakh language and literature, Professor of Kurmangazy Sembiev Zakirovich,associate Professor Raikhan Ismailova Religioun, from the Department of practice of our Academy Zhumagul Konysbaeva , the curator of docent Abdrakhmanov Rustem Hasanovic.
Group K-17-1 expressed gratitude to the teachers of the Department, Professor K. Z. Sembiev, head of the pedagogical practice Raikhan Nalzhigitovna, Director of the specialized boarding school muragher Utebaev N. G. and the school staff