Discussion of the President’s Address

Gives impetus to science
At a time when the competition for knowledge in the world is fierce, it is very important that domestic education and science do not fall behind. In a country with a lack of education, there is no development and no progress. Until science develops, there will be no prosperity. Therefore, in his Address to the Nation, President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev gave another priority to education. The quality of education is always relevant.
And it is no secret that the country’s science system still has unresolved issues. In this regard, President Kassym-Zhomart Kemelovich gave a special instruction for the Government to take care of science. According to the President’s instructions, 500 scientists of the country will visit the world’s leading research centers. Then it will expand the field of domestic science through special internships. This is very gratifying.
“I instruct the government to annually provide internships for 500 scientists in the world’s leading research centers, as well as to allocate 1,000 grants for research under the Young Scientist project.
An important source of funding and support for science is the funds of large enterprises, especially companies in the field of raw materials.
The requirements of the current regulations on the transfer of 1% of income to the development of science and technology are not met. In most cases, these funds are distributed among companies. I instruct the government to centralize the accumulation of these funds and ensure that they are allocated through the budget in accordance with national scientific priorities, “the President said.
Undoubtedly, this task of the Head of State, which will contribute to the further development of science, will give scientists a new opportunity. At the same time, Kassym-Zhomart Kemelovich’s instructions to prevent corruption, a disease of society, are very popular. It is known that the uncompromising fight against corruption and the constant fight against corruption have shown the need to change its approach. The head of state found it. It is hoped that the task of amending the legislation on corruption will help to eradicate this disease.
Kuralbay MENLIBAEV, Rector of the Bolashaq Academy

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