On December 5, 2024, the defense of coursework by students of the PMNO-22-2 group of the educational program” 6B01301-pedagogy and methods of primary education “in the disciplines” methods of teaching literary reading in primary school”,” methods of teaching mathematics ” was held.

Senior teachers, scientific supervisors of the Department “Pedagogy” Zh.A.Arunova, R. N. Zhapanova took part in the defense of the term paper.

Coursework is a written work aimed at deepening the knowledge gained by a student in a specific subject and developing research skills. Its main purpose is to test the student’s ability to demonstrate theoretical knowledge on a particular topic and apply practical skills.The course work allows you to assess the student’s ability to work independently, analytical thinking and the level of mastery of research methods. In addition, it contributes to the development of the student’s skills in collecting information on the chosen topic, analyzing data and presenting them in a systematic way.
One of the most important features of the course work is its scientific nature. This requires the student to conduct research using real data, scientific literature, experimental materials.

During the defense, students defended according to their presentations. They showed that they can work with databases and are fluent in the language of informatization.
In today’s defense, students of the PMNO-22-2 Group Oshakbaeva D., Talgatova A. showed their readiness. They answered their questions in detail.

At the end of the defense of the term paper, the final grades of 3rd year students of the educational program “6B01301 – Pedagogy and methods of primary education” were set in accordance with the requirements.