Senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines Temireeva Kumiszhan Slyamgazinovna on 11/18/2024 at the Karaganda Regional Higher College of Nursing conducted career guidance for 2nd year students of the Faculty of Nursing and Pharmacy.

The total number of students is 26. In the career guidance work, expanded information about the specialties of the educational program of the Bolashaq Academy was presented, students were familiarized with the rules of admission to training. Information booklets about the academy were distributed.

Questions were asked about the rules of admission to study after graduation, about tuition fees and the provision of a dormitory. A question was asked about how many years it is possible to study after college in a shortened form of education in the pharmacy educational program. Senior lecturer K. S. Temireeva answered all the questions and gave the students the contact numbers of the Bolashaq Academy.