On November 18, 2024, as part of the implementation of a social project aimed at improving the legal literacy of young people and strengthening trust in law enforcement agencies, 4th year students of the Bolashaq Academy, together with Professor of the Academy Elikbaev N.E. and director of the regional branch of the NGO “National Anti-Corruption Movement “ZHANARU” Sembiev K. Z. met with cadets of the Karaganda Republican The school “Zhas Ulan” named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union T. J. Bigeldinov and got acquainted with the internal work of the school.

Professor of the Bolashaq Academy N.Yelikbayev gave a lecture on the topic:” Sybailas zhemkorlykpen kurestin zandylyk negizderi” for cadets of the school named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union T. Zh. Bigeldinov RSU “Karaganda Republican school” ZHAS ULAN “

The main purpose of the event:
- to show that the necessary conditions have been created for students to receive secondary general education in military educational institutions;
- in-depth study of the state and foreign languages, promotion of enhanced military and physical training aimed at the formation, development and professional development of personality, achievements of science and practice based on national and universal qualities;
-education of the future youth of Kazakhstan patriotism, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
The school officer told and familiarized the students with the fact that the daily life of the school is organized in a boarding school system, and also told about the main tasks of the RSU “ZHAS ULAN”. Educational work at the Karaganda Republican school “ZHAS ULAN” named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union T. J. Bigeldinov is characterized by high moral, moral, volitional and psychological qualities.

The school staff was introduced to the places of physical training, moral and psychological rooms, answered the questions and wished the students success in their studies.