A strong family is a strong state

On September 10, at 14:00, the Department of Legal and Financial, within the framework of family Week, dedicated to the celebration of “Family Day” in our country, held an open lecture in the form of a press conference on the topic “A strong family is a strong state”.

The event was held in 106 classrooms for students of law and finance specialties.

The author-developer and speaker of this event was Professor Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich. Other teachers of the department also provided all possible assistance in holding the event, in particular, associate professors Ospanova G.S., Kenzhina S.A., masters Zhunusova L.M., Zhakyp-Jean A.T., Altaybaeva G.M., Zhuken I.A.

Contrary to expectations, the event was held at the highest level. The students showed maximum activity, feedback and discussion were provided by the interest of our students in education on family issues and family values.

The following issues were discussed:

– Legal foundations of the family and family values

– The relationship between the family and the state is an important aspect of the social structure that affects the stability and development of society.

– Mutual influence of the family and the state

– The main values of the Kazakh family

– Divorce prevention and other issues

Instead of a conclusion, it should be noted that modern students really have insufficiently formed views about the family and its meaning and values, are poorly oriented in matters of family values and generally poorly aware of the need to create a family. It can be seen from the discussion that there is definitely no consistent understanding of the meaning of family and family values, but there are scattered ideas about the permissibility of divorce, about replacing the institution of family with other forms of relationship, about the impossibility of creating a family due to the difficult financial conditions of modern Kazakh youth, etc., etc.

In conclusion, the thesis that “A strong family is a strong state” should be noted that, indeed, from what has been said, the formation of a family and family values and the creation of a respectable family is the key to the prosperity of the state, since at the heart of everything is the upbringing of children in normal conditions of the younger generation. The most important thing in life is family. Family is a source of love, respect, mutual understanding and empathy, which is what any society is built on, without which a person cannot exist. All this means that in matters of the relationship between the family and the state, it is necessary for the state to support the family, and the family to form decent citizens, and this is the key to strengthening our state. Harmonious relations between the family and the state contribute to the improvement of the well-being of citizens and the sustainable development of the nation.

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