The Department of Pre-school and Primary Education was established in 2019 by dividing the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, which had existed since 2009 into two. Head of the Department of pre-school and primary education candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor Khrapchenkova Nadezhda Ivanovna.
The scientific and pedagogical potential of the department is represented by candidates of science, masters, scientists in the field of pedagogy and methodology of preschool and primary education, the authors of textbooks for universities.
At present 14 teachers work at the department, of which the scientific degrees of candidates of sciences have 9 teachers, academic degrees of master of sciences have 5 teachers, the post of professor occupies 2 staff teachers (N.I. Khrapchenkova, Zh.M. Akparova), 7 staff teachers occupy the posts of associate professor.
Corresponding members of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Khrapchenkova N.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Akparova J.M., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, holder of Altynsarin breastplate Kireyeva U.T. are among the teachers of the Department.
The lecturers of the department take part in the work of international scientific-practical conferences, publish the results of their scientific research in publications of near and far abroad (Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic).
The department prepares highly qualified specialists for the education system, carrying out professional activities in the field of training, education and personal development of students in the modern multicultural environment. The educational process is maximally oriented to the requirements of practical and scientific perspectives of RK development. The advanced training technologies, innovative training courses, international relations allow to prepare the demanded specialists possessing all arsenal of professional competences, free and aspiring to personal and professional perfection, capable to self-development. The implementation of educational programs is determined by the Academy’s mission, which is to provide quality, accessible, modern education that gives graduates competitiveness and mobility, increase the intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation as a resource and guarantee the sustainable development of society.
The Department trains bachelors in two academic programs: 6В01201 – “Pre-school education and upbringing” and 6В01301 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”.
Training under the above mentioned educational programs is carried out on the basis of the license obtained by the Academy “Bolashaq” for the right to lead educational
activities in the field of higher professional education No. KZ62LAA00016157 from 23.05.2019.
Professional educational programs are implemented by full-time (4 years) full-time distance (2 and 3 years) and part-time (2 and 3 courses) forms of education in two languages – the state and Russian.
In 2017, according to the rating of educational programs of the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education, specialty 5B010100- “Pre-school education and upbringing” took 6th place among the higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the ranking of educational programs of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR) in 2017 the specialty 5B010100- “Pre-school education and upbringing” was on the 7th place among the higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the SPE “Atameken” conducted a rating of educational programs, where the educational program “Pre-school education and upbringing” took 4th place (out of 30 participating universities).
A graduate of the educational program 6B01201 – “Pre-school education and upbringing” is awarded an academic degree – Bachelor of Education on the educational program “Pre-school education and upbringing.
The purpose of the educational program – training highly qualified teaching staff for the system of preschool education, with high social and civic responsibility, able to carry out professional activities at the level of modern requirements.
Field of professional activity: educational and educational activities in the preschool organization.
Objects of professional activity: various types and types of preschool organizations, teacher training colleges, education departments, institutes of professional development and retraining of personnel of the education system.
Functions of professional activity: educational, upbringing, methodical, research, social and communicative. The tutor designs and organizes the process of upbringing, training and development of preschool children; models and carries out organized educational activities of preschool children; manages the process of formation and development of the personality of preschool children; develops a general culture of the personality of preschool children; studies, generalizes and disseminates the advanced innovative experience in preschool education.
A graduate of 6B01301 “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” educational programme is awarded an academic degree – bachelor of education under “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” educational programme.
The goal of the educational program is to train highly qualified teachers at the primary level of education who have a high social and civic responsibility and are capable of carrying out professional activities at the level of modern requirements.
Field of professional activity: educational institutions (primary level of general education school, teacher training colleges,
Institutes for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff, education departments).
Objects of professional activity: pedagogical process in all types of general education schools of the first level and methodical work in educational institutions.
Functions of professional activity: teaching, upbringing, methodical, research, social and communicative. The primary school teacher designs and organizes the pedagogical process in accordance with the learning objectives; organizes the subjective activity of the primary schoolchildren, manages the process of formation and development of the personality of the primary schoolchildren; develops the general culture of the primary schoolchildren. He designs the conditions of educational activity and uses innovative teaching technologies aimed at taking into account the individual characteristics of students in accordance with the current objectives of the national education system.
After completing one of these educational programmes, graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies at the master’s level.
All the work of the department is aimed at the construction of the learning environment, educational technologies, methods and organizational forms that contribute to the formation of the personality of the future teacher of the preschool organization and primary school teachers with a basic social culture, the ability to self-development and self-realization.
The Department has concluded agreements on cooperation in education and science, and there is a growing number of contacts with leading foreign scientists, universities, research centres and organizations (Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Altai State Pedagogical Academy, Chelyabinsk State University, Irkutsk State University, etc.) through bilateral participation in international scientific conferences and academic mobility of teachers.
Under academic mobility, the students of the specialty study at other higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Kokshetau State University, Irkutsk State University, etc.) in the form of bilateral participation in international
scientific conferences and academic mobility of teachers. Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.
The department carries out purposeful work on employment of graduates, which is preceded by studying the demand of the labor market, conclusion of contracts for industrial and pre-diploma practice with subsequent employment, participation in job fairs, consideration of employers’ applications and creation of electronic database on employment.
The Department has branches in pre-school organizations “Aigolek”, “Akzharqin”, “Bota”. Practical classes on private methods of preschool education and upbringing are held on the basis of the branches, and students undergo professional practice.
Employer representatives take part in the meetings of the department and are experts in modular educational programs and elective courses.
In March 2017, the Department together with the Department of Education of the Karaganda Region and Orleu JSC – Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers in the Karaganda Region for the teaching community and parents was organized a series of seminars by a well-known teacher, psychologist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, twice laureate of the Russian Government, Honorary President of the International Center for Humane Pedagogy Shalva Alexandrovich Amonashvili.
In October 2017, the Center for Humane Pedagogy was opened – an association of humane teachers of the city and region, who are concerned about the fate of the young generation, spiritual and moral development of citizens.
In the Center for Humane Pedagogy students and masters study the basics of humane pedagogy, world and national heritage of pedagogues-educators of Kazakhstan in the framework of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru”, conduct scientific research, work with schools, universities, learn to see the problems of education and training in a new way.
The Department of Preschool and Primary Education was established in 2019 by dividing the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, which had existed since 2009, into two departments. The Chair of Preschool and Primary Education is headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor Khrapchenkova Nadezhda Ivanovna.
The scientific and pedagogical potential of the department is represented by candidates of science, masters, scientists in the field of pedagogy and methodology of preschool and primary education, the authors of textbooks for universities.
At present 14 teachers work at the department, of which the scientific degrees of candidates of sciences have 9 teachers, academic degrees of master of sciences have
5 teachers, the post of professor occupies 2 staff teachers (Khrapchenkova N.I., Akparova Zh.M.), 7 staff teachers occupy the posts of associate professor.
Among the teachers of the department there are Professor N.I. Khrapchenkova, Professor Z.M. Akparova, Associate Professor R.Z. Shaltaeva – corresponding members of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Associate professors U.T. Kireeva, N.I. Hvan, V.I. Korkina – holders of Altynsarin breastplate; N.I. Hwan – holder of the breastplate “Excellent Educator of the Kazakh SSR”, medals “Veteran of Labor”, “Jubilee medal “20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, medals “Enbek Ardageri”; V.I. Korkina – holder of the medal “Excellent Educator of the Higher School of the USSR”; M.S. Mazhenakova – awarded with the Order of Honorary Citizen of Kazakhstan.
The lecturers of the department take part in the work of international scientific-practical conferences, publish the results of their scientific research in the publications of near and far abroad (Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic).
The department prepares highly qualified specialists for the education system, carrying out professional activities in the field of training, education and personal development of students in the modern multicultural environment. The educational process is maximally focused on the requirements of practical and scientific prospects of development of RK. The advanced training technologies, innovative training courses, international relations allow to prepare the demanded specialists possessing all arsenal of professional competences, free and aspiring to personal and professional perfection, capable to self-development. The implementation of educational programs is determined by the Academy’s mission, which is to provide quality, accessible, modern education that will give graduates competitiveness and mobility, increase the intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation as a resource and guarantee the sustainable development of society.
The department is a graduate and prepares bachelors for two educational programs: 6B01201 – “Pre-school education and training” and 6B01301 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education.
Training under the above mentioned educational programs is carried out on the basis of the license obtained by the Academy “Bolashaq” for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher professional education No. KZ62LAA00016157 from 23.05.2019.
Professional educational programs are implemented by full-time (4 years) full-time distance (2 and 3 years) and part-time (2 and 3 courses) forms of education in two languages – the state and Russian.
In 2017, according to the rating of educational programs of the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education, specialty 5B010100- “Pre-school education and upbringing” took 6th place among the higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the ranking of educational programs of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR) in 2017, specialty 5B010100- “Pre-school education and upbringing” was on the 7th place among the higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with SPE “Atameken” conducted a rating of educational programs, where the educational program “Pre-school education and upbringing” took 4th place (out of 30 participating universities).
A graduate of the educational program 6B01201 – “Pre-school education and upbringing” is awarded an academic degree – a bachelor of education on the educational program “Pre-school education and upbringing”.
The purpose of the educational program – training highly qualified teaching staff for the system of preschool education, with high social and civic responsibility, able to carry out professional activities at the level of modern requirements.
Field of professional activity: educational institutions (primary level of general education school, teacher training colleges,
Institutes for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff, education departments).
Objects of professional activity: pedagogical process in all types of general education schools of the first level and methodical work in educational institutions.
Functions of professional activity: teaching, upbringing, methodical, research, social and communicative. The primary school teacher designs and organizes the pedagogical process in accordance with the learning objectives; organizes the subjective activity of the primary schoolchildren, manages the process of formation and development of the personality of the primary schoolchildren; develops the general culture of the primary schoolchildren. He designs the conditions of educational activity and uses innovative teaching technologies aimed at taking into account the individual characteristics of students in accordance with the current objectives of the national education system.
After completing one of these educational programmes, graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies at the master’s level.
All the work of the department is aimed at the construction of the learning environment, educational technologies, methods and organizational forms that contribute to the formation of the personality of the future teacher of the preschool organization and primary school teachers with a basic social culture, the ability to self-development and self-realization.
The Department has concluded agreements on cooperation in education and science, and there is a growing number of contacts with leading foreign scientists, universities, research centres and organizations (Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Altai State Pedagogical Academy, Chelyabinsk State University, Irkutsk State University, etc.) through bilateral participation in international scientific conferences and academic mobility of teachers.
Under academic mobility, the students of the specialty study at other higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Kokshetau State University, Irkutsk State University, etc.) in the form of bilateral participation in international scientific conferences and academic mobility of teachers. Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.
The department carries out purposeful work on employment of graduates, which is preceded by studying the demand of the labor market, conclusion of contracts for industrial and pre-diploma practice with subsequent employment, participation in job fairs, consideration of employers’ applications and creation of electronic database on employment.
The Department has branches in pre-school organizations “Aigolek”, “Akzharqin”, “Bota”. Practical classes on private methods of preschool education and upbringing are held on the basis of the branches, and students undergo professional practice.
Employer representatives take part in the meetings of the department and are experts in modular educational programs and elective courses.
In March 2017, the Department together with the Department of Education of the Karaganda Region and Orleu JSC – Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers in the Karaganda Region for the teaching community and parents was organized a series of seminars by a well-known teacher, psychologist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, twice laureate of the Russian Government, Honorary President of the International Center for Humane Pedagogy Shalva Alexandrovich Amonashvili.
In October 2017, the Center for Humane Pedagogy was opened – an association of humane teachers of the city and region, who are concerned about the fate of the young generation, spiritual and moral development of citizens.
In the Center for Humane Pedagogy students and masters study the basics of humane pedagogy, world and national heritage of pedagogues-educators of Kazakhstan in the framework of the program “Rukhani Zhangru”, conduct scientific research, work with schools, universities, learn to see the problems of education and training in a new way.
In March 2018, they will be working with schools, universities and learn to see the problems of education and training in a new way. Karaganda was visited by Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University V.G.
Khrapchenkov. According to the agreement on creative cooperation between the Academy and NSPU he delivered lectures on pedagogy for students of pedagogical specialties.
In February 2019, as part of academic mobility, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology at the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation Korosteleva N.A. (Russia, Novosibirsk) held lectures on the discipline “Special Psychology” for students of pedagogical specialties.
In the Center of Humane Pedagogy students and master students study the basics of humane pedagogy, world and national heritage of pedagogical enlighteners of Kazakhstan within the framework of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru”, conduct scientific researches, work with schools, universities, learn to see the problems of education and training in a new way.

Khrapchenkova Nadezhda Ivanovna
Position: Head of the Department of pre-school and primary education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Education: Higher education: Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, speciality “French language”, qualification of secondary school teacher of French;
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: Post-graduate course at Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute (91986-1989); doctoral course at E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University (2003-2006).
Achievements: Corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, awarded with the medal “Enbek Ardageri” (2016), Anniversary medal “10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. (2001), Certificate of Honour of Karaganda Region Akim (2016), Certificate of Head of Karaganda Region Education Department (2015), Certificate of Karaganda City Mayor (2013), Certificate of Honour of Karaganda Region Akim (2002) and others.
Professional activity in the Academy:
Since 2009 worked as the Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology.
Since 2019 – Head of the Department of pre-school and primary education.
Contacts: 8-7212-42-04-25 (ext. 300), e-mail:
The list of faculty of the department of preschool and primary education:

Akparova Zhanna Muslimovna
Full-time higher education:
1984-1989 – Taldy-Kurgan pedagogical institute named after I. Dzhansugurov, speciality – “Music with additional speciality of pedagogics”. Qualification: Music teacher and methodologist in educational work (Diploma with honors from No. 0767735);
2008-2010: Music teacher and methodologist for educational work (Diploma with Honours from No. 076735). – Karaganda University “Bolashaq”, specialty 050301 – “Jurisprudence”. (Diploma with Honours from LB No. 0018563).
Full time postgraduate course (1993-1996) – Almaty State University named after Abai, postgraduate of the Department of Pedagogy. Specialty 13.00.01 – “General Pedagogy”. (Diploma GK No. 0003443);
Scientific degree – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. The theme of dissertation “Formation of interest of senior preschool children to Kazakh folk music art”. Speciality 13.00.01, (diploma GK No. 0003443 from 19.09.1997);
Academic title – associate professor on speciality 13.00.00 – “Pedagogy” (certificate of DC No. 0001046, from 21.05.2009);
Academic titles:
Corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan (Diploma of KM No. 0085 dated November 14, 2015);
Professor of Karaganda University “Bolashak” (28.08.2014);
The work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 13 years.
Teaching disciplines: introduction to the pedagogical profession, pedagogy, higher school pedagogy, basics of scientific and pedagogical research, methodology and methods of scientific and pedagogical research, theory and methodology of musical education in kindergarten, theory and methodology of musical education in primary school.
– Badge of “Best Teacher”. (2019);
-The letter of gratitude was awarded for active participation in the 1st Republican pedagogical Olympiad of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Creative teacher of the XXI century”. The winners who took 1st place were prepared. (25-26. 04. 2017).
– Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, (2016);
– Honorary Diplomas of Karaganda mayor for personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the city, active labor and social activities (2013, 2016);
– Certificate of Merit of Mayor of Kazybekbi District of Karaganda Region (2015);
– Letter of Gratitude of the Pedagogical Salon for employees of educational institutions of Karaganda city and Karaganda region, functioning with the support of the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
– Letter of thanks from the public association “Youth Movement for the Future of Kazakhstan”. (2015).
Has more than 50 publications and scientific works.

Arunova Zhanna Anuarovna
Full-time higher education – 1990-1994. Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, specializing in “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”; qualification of primary school teacher.
Higher education by correspondence – 2003-2005. Karaganda State Pedagogical Institute, speciality – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”; qualification of primary school teacher – 2003-2005. D.A. Kunayev University, specialty “Jurisprudence”; qualification – law specialist.
Master’s degree – 2007-2009. Law Academy “Femida”, specialty “Jurisprudence”; qualification – Master of Jurisprudence.
2017-2019. PU Academy “Bolashaq” on a speciality 6M010300 – “Pedagogy and psychology”, is awarded a master’s degree in pedagogical sciences on a speciality 6M010300 – “Pedagogy and psychology”.
Teaching subjects: Ethnopedagogics and ethnopsychology, management in education, methods of teaching literature in primary school, methods of teaching fine arts in primary school, methods of teaching art work in primary school.
Work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” 7 years.
– 2006 – in honor of the holiday of Spring, International Women’s Day, March 8, gratitude was expressed;
– 2006 – For the accurate and conscientious work on preparation for the state final attestation was announced a gratitude;
– 2006 – in honour of the 15th anniversary of Independence of the RK, in honour of the national holiday a gratitude was announced.
– 2007 – In honour of Nauryz holiday a gratitude was announced.
– 2018 – Certificate of Honor from rector of Bolashak Academy, K.N. Menlibayev. For professional skills, activity in public work, significant contribution to the development of spiritual and intellectual potential of future specialists of independent Kazakhstan. She has more than 40 publications and scientific works.

Bakaramova Symbat Amangeldievna
Full-time higher education (1992-1996) – E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, specialty “Pedagogy and psychology (preschool)” (Diploma ZhB-11 No. 0092556);
Master’s degree (2010-2012) – Karaganda State University “Bolashak”, specialty “Jurisprudence” (scientific and pedagogical master’s degree). Qualification – Master of Jurisprudence.
The work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 12 years.
Teaching disciplines: pedagogy, family pedagogy, pedagogical psychology, theory and methods of fine art of preschool children, cultural and recreational activities in preschool organizations, work with parents of preschool children.
Has more than 40 publications and scientific works.

Bokizhanova Galina Kaskarbekovna
Full-time higher education (1978-1983) – Karaganda State University. E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University, speciality – “Teacher of Russian language and literature”. Qualification: Philologist (Institute of Oriental Studies No 313243);
Higher education by correspondence (2015-2017) – “Bolashaq” Academy, specialty 5B011900 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages”. Qualification: Bachelor of Education 5В011900 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages” specialty (ZhB-B No. 1024443);
Full-time postgraduate course (1989-1993) – Research Institute of Applied Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, postgraduate, specialty 13.00.02 – “Theory and methods of teaching and education (by fields and levels of education).
The academic degree – candidate of pedagogical sciences. The theme of the dissertation “Formation of skills of coherent Russian speech at the students of small primary Kazakh school”. Speciality 13.00.02 (CD No. 082239 from 08.06.1993);
The work experience in Academy “Bolashaq” 4 years.
Teaching disciplines: ethnopedagogy and ethnopsychology, self-knowledge, educational work in preschool organizations, educational process in incomplete schools, psychological and pedagogical bases of game, technologies of criterion estimation.
Achievements – there are acknowledgements and records of awards in honour of significant dates and events.
Has more than 50 publications and scientific works.

Zhanysbaeva Roza Mazrapovna
Higher education: 1991-1995 Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, specialization “Pedagogy and psychology (preschool)”, qualification “Teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology. Methodologist in preschool education;
Higher education by correspondence: 2008-2010. The modern humanitarian-technical institute on a speciality 055117 – “Kazakh language and literature”, the academic degree of the bachelor of education is awarded;
Master’s degree: 2017-2019, “Bolashaq” Academy on the specialty “6M011300 – Pedagogy and Psychology”, awarded a master’s degree in pedagogical sciences.
Work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 8 years.
Teaching disciplines: the method of formation of mathematical abilities of preschool children; theory and methodology of speech development of preschool age children; methods of speech development of preschool children; preschool inclusive education; the work of the Methodist preschool organizations; Organization and management of preschool education; classes for kindergarten.
– Acknowledgements and acknowledgements for important dates and events are available.
– Honorary Diploma of the Karaganda Region Akim S. Akhmetov, For active participation in social and political life of the region and personal labor contribution to the construction of a new Kazakhstan society.
– Diploma in honor of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan for professionalism, active social activities and significant contribution to the spiritual and intellectual development of future specialists of Independent Kazakhstan. 2015, Head of Education Department of Karaganda Region A.Aimagambetov.
– Diploma based on the results of the competition in 2017 in the nomination “For Strengthening Cooperation in the Educational Process” (Bolashaq Academy, Rector K.N. Menlibayev).
Has more than 80 publications and scientific works.

Zhapanova Riza Nabiyevna
Higher education (1998-2003) – Buketov Karaganda State University, specialty 5B010200 – Pedagogy and methods of primary education; qualification – “Teacher of primary classes”.
Master’s degree (2014-2016) – E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, specialty “6M010200 – Pedagogy and methods of primary education.
Academic degree – Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty “6M010200 – Methods and pedagogy of primary education.
Currently, he is studying for a doctorate (2018-2021) – Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov in the specialty 6D010200 – Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education.
The work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 6 years.
Teaching disciplines: pedagogy, pedagogical skill, theory and methods of educational work, correctional pedagogy, theory and methods of educational work of preschool, theory and methods of educational work of primary school.
It has more than 50 publications and scientific works.

Kireyeva Ulday Tagbergenovna
Higher education: V.I. Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, major “Pedagogy and psychology”, qualification: “teacher-researcher in pedagogy and psychology”,
Full-time postgraduate course in MSPI named after Lenin in the department of “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”, candidate of pedagogical sciences specialty 13.00.01 – “Theory and History of Pedagogy;
The work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 10 years.
Teaching disciplines: Innovative technologies in education, history of pedagogy, history of pedagogy (general and pre-school), psychology, psychological methods in pedagogical research.
For significant success in teaching and educating the younger generation was awarded –
– MON RK with the breastplate “Y. Altynsarin” (2016),
– The Association of Higher Educational Establishments of the Republic of Kazakhstan – “Best Manager” (2019).
Member of the Republican information propaganda group to explain the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the Commission of the party curator for the “Education” direction of the party’s election program “Nur Otan”.
Has over 80 publications and scientific works.

Korkina Valentina Ivanovna
Higher education (1966-1970) Karaganda Teachers’ Training Institute; Professional qualification: teacher of drawing and drawing.
Full-time postgraduate course (1980-1983) – Research Institute of Pedagogy named after Y.Altynsarin, specialty 13.00.01 – “Theory and history of pedagogy”;
Scientific degree – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. The theme of the dissertation “The system of means of visibility in the professional training of future teachers” (Diploma PD No. 006379, 1983);
Academic title – Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education (Certificate of Education Centre No. 090515, 1983);
The work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 9 years.
Teaching disciplines: pedagogy, work of methodologist of preschool organization, theory and methods of acquaintance with the nature of preschool children, theory and methods of educational work in preschool organizations; theory and methods of physical education of preschool children.
For many years of fruitful work she was awarded with medals and certificates of honor:
– Medal excellent student of higher school of the USSR;
– Medal. Y Altynsarin medal;
– Honored Worker of Buketov Karaganda State University (in honor of 30th anniversary of the University, 2002).
– Medal of 40th Anniversary of E.A. Buketov KarSU.
Has more than 70 publications and scientific works.

Mazhenakova Meyramkul Seysekovna
Higher education (1986-1991) – Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, specializing in pedagogy and methods of primary education; qualification – primary school teacher.
Scientific degree – candidate of pedagogical sciences. The theme of dissertation “Development of cognitive interests of students in the pedagogical process of the school on the basis of local history materialsЭ (diploma GK No. 0000307 from 23.06.05);
Academic title – Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences” (from 17.04.2013);
The work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 1 year.
Teaching disciplines: Theory and methods of physical education in primary school, methods of teaching mathematics, pedagogy of primary education, pedagogy.
– Awarded the Order of Honorary Citizen of Kazakhstan (2019).
Has over 80 publications and scientific works.

Samokhin Andrey Yurievich
Full-time higher education (1978-1983), Karaganda State University, specialty “Russian language”; Qualification – Scholar of language. Teacher of Russian language and literature;
Post-graduate course (1985-1990), Kirov Kazakh State University; Philologist. Postgraduate course (1985-1990), Speciality 10.02.01 – “Russian language”;
Correspondence Higher Education (1998-2000), Karaganda Higher School of NSC of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Karaganda Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialty “Jurisprudence”. Qualification – Lawyer (diploma ZhB 0142664 from 31.05.2000).
Scientific degree – Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Academic title – Associate Professor in “Linguistics”;
Teaching disciplines: Methodology of teaching Russian at primary school, Introduction to the pedagogical profession, Methodology of teaching literary reading at primary school, Methodology of teaching literacy and writing at primary school, Workshop on expressive reading.
The most significant publications:
– The city of labor glory. Essays on the history of Karaganda. 1934 – 2014 years. printed. Karaganda: Karaganda State University Publishing House, 2014. – – 480 p. (In co-authorship and chapters. ed.)
– Religion, traditions, customs at the intersection of centuries. View from the 19th century. Printed collection of articles of the International Forum “Religion and Woman”. Karaganda, 2016.
– The idea, story line and artistic means in the speech of F.N. Plevako in defense of A. Mizurin and E. Lieberman on the case “Club of jack of hearts” printed collection of IV international scientific-practical conference “Science and Education – the most important factor in the development of society in modern conditions” / Karaganda, 2017. 0,5 p.l.

Sarbasova Kalimash Amangeldinovna
Higher education: E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University, speciality – 0315 “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” qualification – teacher of primary classes (Diploma of LB No. 0043980).
Master’s degree: 2008 – 2010. – Master’s degree in KSU named after E.A. Buketov on specialty “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”.
Academic degree – Master of Pedagogical Sciences in “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” (No. 6 State Enterprise Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov (ZHOK-M No. 0004309).
The work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 9 years.
Teaching disciplines: Self-knowledge, innovative technologies in education, measuring technologies of assessment, methods of teaching the Kazakh language in primary school, methods of teaching literacy and writing in primary school, methods of teaching natural science in primary school, the basics of schooling.
– 2013 – Honorary Diploma of the Rector of “Bolashak” for inexhaustible creative energy and sincere dedication to his work;
– 2014 – Diploma of the Rector of “Bolashak for active organization of the “Bolashak”.
Regional Olympiad Erudit
– 2012 – Letter of Gratitude from the administration of KSU “Gymnasium No. 39 of Karaganda” for competent guidance and methodological support in sharing experience.
– 2011 – Letter of Gratitude from “Bolashak” for good fulfillment of obligations;
– 2007 – Certificate of Honor of the Regional Department of Education of Karaganda city for high achievements of research works of schoolchildren.
Has more than 50 publications and scientific works.

Talikova Galiya Tulyakovna
Full-time higher education (2000-2004), E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, speciality 0314 – “Pedagogy and psychology”; Qualification – teacher of pedagogy and psychology (diploma of LB No. 0057140 from 29.06.2004);
2. Master’s degree (2004-2006), Karaganda State University. 2. Master’s degree (2004-2006), E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, master’s degree in scientific and pedagogical direction, specialty 6A0103 – “Pedagogy and psychology”, qualification – master of pedagogy and psychology. The theme of the master’s thesis “Formation of students’ professional interest in scientific research work”. (Diploma No. 0012311 of July 07, 2006).
The work experience in “Bolashaq” Academy is 11 years.
Teaching disciplines: pedagogy, preschool pedagogy, management in preschool education, pedagogical psychology, family pedagogy, management in education, professional pedagogy.
Has over 40 publications and scientific works.

Hwan Nadezhda Ivanovna
Full-time higher education (1967-1972), Faculty of History, Karaganda State Pedagogical Institute; Professional qualification: secondary school teacher of history and social sciences.
Scientific degree – candidate of pedagogical sciences. The theme of the dissertation is “Pedagogical conditions of management of gymnasium as an educational system)”. (diploma GK-No. 0010427 from 23.05.2003);
The work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” is 9 years.
Teaching disciplines: management in education, pedagogical management and management in a modern school, work with parents in primary school, methodical and managerial activity of the teacher of primary education.
For many years of fruitful work she was awarded medals and certificates of honor:
– Badge “Excellent Educator of the Kazakh SSR” (1985);
– Medal “Veteran of Labor (1988)”;
– the breastplate of Y. Altynsarin (2005);
– “Anniversary medal “20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for significant contribution to the establishment of statehood, strengthening of sovereignty and socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. (2011г.);
– Medal “Еnbek Ardageri” (2017);
– Letter of gratitude from the President of the National Academy of Education named after M.A. Lomonosov (2011). Altynsarin National Academy of Education (2019).
Has more than 80 publications and scientific works.

Shaltaeva Roza Zhiembaevna
Full-time higher education: (1984-1988) – Kazakh State Women Pedagogical Institute, specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology”, qualification – teacher of pre-school pedagogy and psychology (Diploma with Honours from PV No. 0777507).
Degree – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. The theme of the dissertation “Pedagogical conditions of spiritual and moral education of students in the process of education” Diploma GK No. 0001438 from 27.02.2008 Protocol No. 3).
Work experience in the Academy “Bolashaq” 11 years.
Teaching disciplines: theory and methods of physical education of preschool children, theory and methods of familiarization of preschool children with the world, preschool pedagogy, theory and methods of physical education of preschool children, theory and methods of familiarization with the nature of preschool children
For many years of fruitful work has letters of thanks and letters of commendation:
– Letter of thanks from the administration of the “Daryndy bala” Leadership Development Kindergarten No. 2 in Karaganda for the joint work and providing methodological assistance to young professionals and all teachers of preschool institutions in improving the theoretical knowledge and pedagogical skills of 2019.
– Letter of thanks from the administration of kindergarten “Aigolek” in Karaganda for high professionalism, purposeful and painstaking work in training qualified personnel for preschool institutions.
– Letter of appreciation to the administration of kindergarten “Altyn saka” in Karaganda in the preparation of qualified personnel on specialty – “Pre-school education and upbringing”.
– Honorary diploma of the rector of “Bolashak” for inexhaustible creative energy, tireless work, high responsibility, professionalism and impeccable service to the wonderful cause of spiritual and intellectual development of future specialists of Independent Kazakhstan.
– Letter of thanks from the director of school No. 100 for the good organization of psychological and pedagogical social practice of students of the specialty “Pedagogy and psychology”.
– Letter of thanks from the chairman of the regional trade union of education and science workers for active participation in the activities of the trade union of education and science workers of Karaganda region.
Has more than 60 publications and scientific works.