The mission of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines is to train competent, competitive, mobile, socially oriented specialists who meet the requirements of international standards, the national health system, including the sphere of circulation of medicines, as well as the requirements of the pharmaceutical market and employers through the introduction of innovations in education, science and practice.
The Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines was established in 2007 on the basis of the Department of Pharmacognosy with a course of biomedical disciplines and the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry with a course of chemical disciplines. Most of the teachers of the department have considerable experience of scientific, pedagogical and practical work in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacists are trained by 15 full-time teachers, including: 2 doctors of sciences, 5 candidates of sciences, 4 masters. The number of teachers with academic degrees and titles is 46.7%.

The Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines trains higher education personnel in the field of training 6B101 – “Healthcare” according to the educational program “Pharmacy” at the level of:
6B10101 – “Pharmacy” – Bachelor’s degree.
Educational activities are carried out on the basis of the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 23, 2019, No. KZ62LAA00016157. In May 2017, the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education of the Bolashaq Academy issued a certificate of specialized accreditation for the Pharmacy educational program. The certificate is valid from May 15, 2017 to May 13, 2022.
The mission of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines is to train competent, competitive, mobile, socially oriented specialists who meet the requirements of international standards, the national health system, including the sphere of circulation of medicines, as well as the requirements of the pharmaceutical market and employers through the introduction of innovations in education, science and practice.
The purpose of the educational program.
Training of highly qualified specialists who are able to meet the needs and expectations of society, the pharmaceutical market and employers in providing medical care to the population, apply and develop advanced innovative technologies in pharmacy, science and practice, use the achievements of information and communication technologies, strengthen the health of the population, ready to adapt to the changing conditions of the healthcare system at the level of the state and the world community, continue lifelong learning, contribute to the development of society.
Degree awarded:
Bachelor of Healthcare in the educational program 6B10101-“Pharmacy”
The sphere of professional activity.
The sphere of professional activity of the “Bachelor of Health” is healthcare, pharmacy, education, science, social protection.
Objects of professional activity.
The objects of professional activity of the “Bachelor of Health” are medicines used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, rehabilitation and hygiene. Parapharmaceuticals, medical equipment and medical devices used for the purpose of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases are equated to medicines.
Organizations for the implementation of professional activities are:
– pharmaceutical organizations and enterprises of various ownership and organizational and legal forms for wholesale and retail sale, manufacture, production of medicines (pharmacies, firms, JSC, LLP, JV and other pharmaceutical plants, factories);
– management and pharmaceutical supervision bodies;
– standardization and certification bodies of medicines (testing centers, laboratories for quality control, standardization and certification);
– chemical and toxicological departments (laboratories) of the center of forensic medicine, toxicological centers at emergency hospitals;
– pharmaceutical information authorities (reference and information centers, information and analytical centers and others);
– social protection organizations.
Subjects of professional activity:
– providing the population with medicines used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases;
– formation and development of an effective system of organizational, economic and managerial activities of subjects in the field of circulation of medicines;
– development and application of the principles of scientific methodology and evidence-based medicine;
– formation and development of pedagogical skills;
– lifelong learning and the use of new knowledge and technologies in their professional activities.
Types of professional activity:
· Organizational and managerial
· General Pharmaceutical
· Production
· Control and authorization
· Information and analytical
· Marketing
· Innovative
Specialists are trained in the state and Russian languages on the basis of secondary general education in full-time education for a period of 5 years, on the basis of secondary vocational education and higher vocational education in full-time education for a period of 3 years.
For training under the educational program “Pharmacy”, the department is fully provided with educational and methodological documentation: there is a state standard of the specialty, working curricula and working curricula. The book fund consists of more than 5,000 copies of educational, methodical and scientific literature.
The Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines has 8 educational laboratories, among them: Laboratory of Botany and Pharmacognosy, Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry and Methods of Drug Research, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical and Analytical Chemistry, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Homeopathy, Laboratory of Fundamentals of Drug Technology, Laboratory of Industrial Drug Technology, Laboratory of Biological and Toxicological Chemistry, Laboratory of Instrumental Methods, as well as 7 specialized educational audiences.
In classroom classes in various disciplines, students receive theoretical knowledge, which is consolidated by practical skills at seminars.

In practical classes on the discipline “First aid”, students consolidate first aid skills in various injuries and accidents.

A lesson in the discipline “Toxicological chemistry” on the topic “Non-directional forensic chemical analysis for volatile poisons” in the 4th year, organized in the form of a business game.

3rd year students in laboratory classes on “Fundamentals of drug technology” master the methodology and features of the preparation of medicines in the form of various dosage forms.

Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy undergo educational, familiarization and production practice on the basis of “Toka-21” LLP.
Students of the department actively participate in research work under the guidance of experienced teachers. Student scientific and practical conferences are held annually, where students present their research materials. The most active students have the opportunity to make scientific reports at conferences of various levels, and the materials of their research are published in scientific journals.

Within the framework of cooperation agreements, students and teaching staff are exchanged for academic mobility. Thus, within the framework of academic mobility, students are constantly exchanged under the educational program “Pharmacy” with the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute (Uzbekistan), Almaty National University. Asfendiyarova, with the Medical University of Karaganda, South Kazakhstan Academy and other universities.
Social life at the department is interesting and diverse. Students and teachers of the department actively participate in various events of the city, regional and republican scale.

Our students take part in various sports events held at the Academy ” Bolashaq ” and the city of Karaganda.

Our graduates are in demand in the labor market of Kazakhstan. They have the opportunity to work:
-In pharmacies of any form of ownership and in pharmacy warehouses of wholesale companies;
-In the state bodies of management and control of the sphere of circulation of medicines and medical devices;
-In the bodies confirming the conformity of medicines and testing laboratories;
-As medical representatives of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies;
-In research institutes related to the development of medicines;
-At pharmaceutical plants and factories for the production of medicines;
-In cosmetology offices;
-In toxicology laboratories;
-In the laboratories of forensic medical examination.
The department is located in the academic building at 16 Yerubaeva St., 3rd floor, office 336, work phone 42-04-25 (add.400).
The head of the department is the candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor Pakhomova Damira Kenesovna.
Highly qualified specialists teach at the department:
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Tnimova G.T.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor Kurbanova G.D. Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor Meiramova A.G.
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, associate professor Sivolobova O.A.
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, associate professor Shabanova R.B.
manager-pharmacist of the highest qualification category Boldysh S.K.
master Bailen A.S.
master Tutai D.S.
master Hashtay K.S.
senior teacher Adilbekova B.O.
senior lecturer Barysheva B.M.
senior lecturer Timiryaeva K.S.
senior lecturer Tuyakbaeva G.N.

Пахомова Дамира Кенесовна
Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
In 1988, she graduated from the Karaganda State Medical Institute with a degree in “Medical care” and qualified as a doctor.
From 1988-1993 she worked as a district doctor in the polyclinics of Karaganda.
From 1993 to 2003, she worked at the National Center for Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a junior researcher, then as a researcher, since 2001 as a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Physiology of Muscular Activity
In 1999, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Comparative assessment of the performance of rats under the influence of a constant magnetic field and the antioxidant probukol” in the specialty 14.00.07.
From 2003 to 2007 she worked as an associate professor of the department at the Kazakhstan Pharmaceutical Institute, from 2007 to 2009 at the Bolashak University.
In 2007, she graduated from the Kazakhstan Pharmaceutical Institute with a degree in Pharmacy and received the qualification of “pharmacist”
In 2010-2015, she worked as a consultant on a number of medical websites.
From 2015 to 2019 – Associate Professor of the Department of “General Medical Practice” of Karaganda State Medical University
Since September 2022, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines.
He has about 50 printed scientific papers and about 100 articles on medical websites.