From October 21 to November 09, under academic mobility professor of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after A. Yassawi, candidate of pedagogical sciences Daniyarov Talgat Abubakirovich held a series of lectures on “The content of education in the university and the development of teaching technology” for the 3rd year students […]
Academic Mobility Gallery
Student of K-18-1 group Shaiken Altynay under the agreement on academic mobility will be trained at the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute (EHI) in Nur-Sultan. Показать/скрыть панель: Настройки Слайдера Настройки Слайдера
In the period from 11 to 26 November in “Bolashaq” Academy under the academic mobility program for the 4th year students of the academic program “6B01701: Kazakh language and literature” a series of lectures on the subject: “Abay Studies” was held, which was conducted by professor Abat Shamuly Pangereyev, Doctor […]
In the period from 11 to 26 November, in the Academy “Bolashaq” as part of the academic mobility program for 4th year students of the academic program “6B01701: Kazakh language and literature” a series of lectures on the subject: “Abay studies” was held. The lectures were given by professor Abat […]
The Center for Humane Pedagogy of “Bolashaq” Academy with the support of the university administration from 06 to 10 November 2019 organized a lecture by Olga Pavlova, Professor of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Olga Pavlova is an associate professor at HAC and works […]
From October 9 to November 8, 2019, G. Tukubayeva, senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines, held a series of classes in the group of BZhD 18-3 in the discipline “Industrial Sanitation” at KSTU on academic mobility
From 29 October to 4 November, Professor K. Menlibayev, Rector of Bolashaq Academy, paid a working visit to Tajik State Pedagogical University and Avicenna State Medical University in Dushanbe. The meeting resulted in the signing of cooperation agreements under academic mobility. Heads of universities noted that joint work will give […]
From October 9 to November 8, 2019, A. Akhmetova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of Mine Aerology and Occupational Health of KSTU in the group Fm17-1 held a series of classes in the discipline “Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Hygiene and Occupational Health” at the Department of Pharmaceutical […]
Under business visit to Turkey of Kuralbay Menlibayev, Rector of Bolashak Academy, a meeting was held and a bilateral agreement was signed with University of Castamonu represented by rector Seyit Aydin.
During stay at Bolashak Academy, Gareth J. Dyke conducted academic writing classes for students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication. Gareth paid special attention to the choice of the title for the research paper, the abstract writing for the research, as well as the choice of the […]
This year our Academy has concluded agreements with several universities abroad. Among them, Turkey is one of the closest countries to Kazakhstan in terms of kinship. International negotiations with the University of Castamon (Castamon) and the University of Giresun (Giresun), which are located on the Black Sea coast, gave results. […]
Since February 25 of this year, N. Korostelova, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology of the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation (Russia, Novosibirsk) held lectures on the discipline “Psychology for Special Needs” in the groups PiP-16-1, PiP-17-1k under academic mobility in Bolashak Academy. In addition, N. […]
From February 18 to March 01, 2019, laboratory classes in the discipline “Fundamentals of drug technology” were held in the Academy “Bolashak” under academic mobility for students of the 3rd year of academic programme “Pharmacy”. The classes are conducted by Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of […]
The Turkish Council for Higher Education announces the MEVLANA exchange programme for the academic year 2019-2020 for teachers, students and graduate students. Country: Republic of Turkey. HEI: Ataturk University in Erzurum. For faculty members Requirement: Mandatory knowledge of Turkish or English Period: minimum 2 weeks, maximum 3 months. CVs and […]
Assel Sharipova, a second-year student of Eurasian Humanities Institute of Astana, academic programme 5В030100 “Legal Studies”, has completed a semester course of study under the academic mobility program at “Bolashak” Academy. I decided not to miss the opportunity to visit Karaganda, the city of my childhood. Bolashak Academy is a […]