Rysmagambetova Gulnara Musievna
PhD in Law, Professor

Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Buketov Karaganda State University in 1996.
From 1998 to 2001, Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs in Buketov Karaganda State University, included in the Council on Youth Affairs under mayor of the region, in the membership of the Small Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Participated in the development of a number of important documents that determine the policy of educational work of the university and the region as a whole.
After graduation of post-graduate programme in 2003, worked as a senior lecturer at the Criminal Law and Criminology Department.
Since 2005, G. Rysmagambetova has been working in Bolashak University. First, as Vice Rector for Education Affairs, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and since 2009 – First Vice Rector of the University.
In 2007, successfully defended her PhD thesis on “The Role of Amnesty and Clemency in the Implementation of the Criminal Law Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Area of scientific interests is criminal-legal problems of release from criminal liability and punishment.