The library of the Academy of “Bolashaq” continues to acquaint readers with new items in its collection. We offer you books about the cultural heritage of Central Asia. The library invites readers to the address: 17 Abay Street. 86.372P 84 Galimov Sh.The past as a belief in the future. – […]
Daily archives: 02.06.2021
3 posts
The library of the Academy of “Bolashaq” presents to your attention a new historical edition, which came to the book fund. The library invites readers to 17 Abaya Street. 63.3 (5 Каz)P 99 Time of Troubles. Unknown pages of the famous history / B. Ayagan, A. Auanasova, E. Nurpeisov. – […]
The history of the world’s first spaceport dates back to 1955. According to the Decree of the USSR Government on February 12, 1955 it was decided to build a test site for intercontinental ballistic missiles, and on June 2 of the same year the General Staff of the Soviet Army […]