On June 22, 2020 on platform ZOOM the seminar “Training and retraining of members of advocacy groups on religion” has passed on questions of counteraction to religious extremism and terrorism, political extremism. The structure of Information and explanatory group includes the Vice rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” Akhmetova Botagoz Telmanovna […]
Daily archives: 22.06.2020
3 posts
On June 19, 2020 a meeting of the Academic Council of Bolashaq Academy was held online, which summed up the work for the 2019-2020 academic year. The meeting was also attended by the SAC chairmen, who noted the high level of training of our graduates during the defense of their […]
On June 19, 2020 the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan held an online meeting on the ZOOM platform to launch the project “Development of the system of youth self-government”, which for the second time received grant funding from the NAO “Center for Support of Civil Initiatives”, with the support of […]