2nd year student of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines Batsunova Yekaterina took part in the III International Contest-Festival “Star Leaf Fall” and took the first place, becoming a laureate of the first degree in the nomination “Vocal. Variety Singing”. We congratulate Yekaterina on another victory! The contest-festival was held in […]
Daily archives: 13.11.2019
2nd year student of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines Batsunova Katerina took part in the III International Contest-Festival “Star Leaflet” and took the first place, becoming a laureate of the first degree in the nomination “Vocal. Variety Singing”. Congratulations to Ekaterina on her another victory! The contest-festival was held in […]
On November 15, 2019, at 15.00 in “Bolashaq” Academy, a seminar is taking place under the research work of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication. We invite everyone to take part. The seminar will be held at the following address: 16 Erubaev St., audience 316.
On October 25, 2019, according to the approved schedule, the intramural stage of the Republican Olympiad in English was held at the school No. 81 in Karaganda, attended by pupils of 6 classes. The main goals and tasks of the intramural stage of the Olympiad were: – creation of conditions […]
The Organizing Committee of the III International Contest-Festival “Stellar Leaffall”, “Palace of Children and Youth”, the staff “Constellation” expresses gratitude to the Academy “Bolashaq” in the person of Rector Professor Menlibayev K.N. for the professional skill and preparation of laureate Batsunova Katerina, who participated in and took first place in […]