Information and propaganda group of the Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region held a meeting with students of the Academy “Bolashaq”. During the meeting, the State of the Nation Addresses of the President and state programs related to the youth sphere were explained with the involvement of competent specialists of […]
Daily archives: 29.10.2019
October 24-25, 2019, in Almaty, Satbayaev University conducted the 1st International Conference on “Teaching Foreign Languages in the era of Digitalization”. Madina Turakova, the student from group IN-17-1, took part in this event. She introduced two topics, based on her professional experience. The topics “The Experience of Introducing Digital Technologies […]
The 1st International Conference “Teaching Foreign Languages in the era of Digitalization” was held on October 24-25, 2019 in Almaty at Satbayev University. The event was attended by Madina Turakova, a student of the B-17-1 group, whose supervisor is senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, […]
October 25, 2019 in Petropavlovsk Director of Rukhaniyat Research Center of the Academy “Bolashaq”, member of the scientific-expert group of APK, local historian Aupenova A.U. as a member of the expert delegation from Karaganda region took part in the dialogue platform “Ethnoses of Kazakhstan: contribution to the historical and cultural […]