The Center for Mass Media is a structural subdivision of Bolashaq Academy, directly subordinate to the Vice Rector for Social and Educational Work.
The work of the center is carried out in accordance with the general plans of the academy, based on the mission of the academy and quality goals.
The staff of the center consists of: director of the center; editor of the website; photographer; translators; designer.
The work of the QMM is carried out in the following areas:
- administration of the website;
- production of a monthly student newspaper “LiMoNaD”;
- work in social networks.
For questions about publications on the sites or the newspaper, contact the address:
Karaganda, ul. Abaya str. 17, study room 308, the administrative building of the Academy “Bolashaq”,
or by phone 8-7212-42-04 25, ext. 087
or e-mail
Khairullina Alfia Faritovna
Position: Director of Media Center
Administrator of the Academy’s website, Editor-in-Chief of the student newspaper LiMonad, journalist
Education: University Degree – Buketov Karaganda State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, teacher of French and English;
University Degree: Bolashak University, specialty “Jurisprudence”, Bachelor of Law;
Studied at the Master’s Degree of Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Philology.
Achievements: Member of Military and History Club “Sogys Tarihy”, participant of military-historical reconstructions, awarded the medal “100 years of SA and Naval Service”, letters of gratitude and certificates.
At 2019 year-end, won the award “Best employee” in “Operational Efficiency at Work” nomination
Professional activity in the Academy:
Since 2014, Head of Academy’s library.
Since 2018, Director of Media Center.
Contacts: 8-7212-42-04-25 (int. 087), e-mail:, FaceBook: Alfia Khairullina