Dear freshmen, congratulations on your admission to the “Bolashaq” Academy! An unforgettable student life is ahead, full of bright moments within the walls of the Academy.

The traditional solemn meeting, timed to coincide with the beginning of the new academic year, was held on September 2.

A solemn meeting for first-year students was held in the assembly hall.
The event was opened with a welcoming speech from the Rector of the Academy, Rysmagambetova G.M., then the speech was taken by Ph.D., Professor Khamzin M.H., Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Bekzhanova S.B., President of student government Hartman Z.A., Vice-rector for SVR Ismailova R. N. and head of the Department of General Education Grigorchuk I.Yu.

During the event, the senior students of the Academy got acquainted with the 1st year students, and at the end of the event, the newly minted students were presented with ice cream.

After the solemn meeting, the students got acquainted with the curators, who answered all the questions and helped to understand the details of the educational process.
The students got acquainted with the departments, laboratories, library and other educational and scientific facilities. Such an excursion helped students to better understand what opportunities are available to students.
We wish you a pleasant time and a successful future at the “Bolashaq” Academy!