“School of a young civil servant”

By order of the Regional Department for Youth Policy of the Karaganda region, together with the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region, we are implementing the project “School of a young civil servant” season 2024.

The purpose of the project is to attract the most gifted youth representatives of the Karaganda region to the civil service.

Project objectives:

– popularization and enhancement of the prestige of public service among young people;

-consolidation of efforts and coordination of interaction between state bodies of public organizations and higher educational institutions within the framework of organizing the activities of the SHGS of the Karaganda region.

-creation and implementation of a system for the selection and training of participants in the 2024 SHGS season.

Students and undergraduates of graduate courses of higher educational institutions of the Karaganda region take part in the project.

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