On November 30, the XVI International Interuniversity Student Scientific and Practical Conference “The communicative culture of a specialist in a multicultural space” was held online at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

The main purpose of the conference was to summarize the scientific results of students’ research in the field of topical issues of multicultural education, exchange scientific achievements, as well as involve students in research work.
The International Interuniversity Student Scientific and Practical Conference was attended by A.Y. Abramov, Director of the RUDN University Medical Institute (Russian Federation); E.A. Dovletyarova, Director of the RUDN Agricultural and Technological Institute (Russian Federation); Ph.D., Professor V. B. Kurylenko, Head of the Department of Russian Language at the RUDN University Medical Institute (Russian Federation); Ph.D., Associate Professor G.K. Bokizhanova – Center for Humane Pedagogy of the Bolashaq Academy (Republic of Kazakhstan); Ph.D., Associate Professor E.P. Pustoshilo is the head of the Department of Russian and Belarusian Languages at Grodno State Medical University (Republic of Belarus); Yu.I. Okunevich is a lecturer at Grodno State Medical University (Republic of Belarus).
Nurmanova Karlygash. (PiMNO-24-1c, scientific supervisor- PhD, associate professor Bokizhanova G. K.). Topic: “Kondubaeva Maria Ramazanovna is a linguist scientist.”

Pozdnyakova Alexandra (DOV-24-1c, scientific supervisor – PhD, associate professor Bokizhanova G. K.). Topic: “Tursunov D. T. – research scientist.”

Tsurikova Maria (DOV-24-1k, scientific supervisor – PhD, associate professor Abilkasimova G.). Topic: “Scientific activity of Professor Saykiev H. M.”.

Loskutova Natalia (DOV-24-1k, scientific supervisor – PhD, associate professor Shaltaeva R. Zh.). Topic: “Kopylenko M. M. − linguist scientist of Kazakhstan”
Diana Kachmasheva (DOV-24-1k, scientific supervisor – senior lecturer R. M. Zhanysbaeva). Topic: “R. B.Nurtazina is an innovative teacher.”
PhD, associate professor Bokizhanova G.K.