A meeting of the Council for Science and Technology of the Karaganda region was held at the Abylkas Saginov University.

The Council for Science and Technology was established by the decree of the regional akimat of the region. It includes representatives of the regional akimat, government agencies, higher educational institutions and research institutes, development institutes and organizations of the region, including the Bolashaq Academy.
The first organizational meeting of the Council was held on November 29, held by its chairman, Deputy Akim of the region Ermek Alpysov.

In his opening remarks, he noted that the Council needs to identify a range of issues on which to focus its attention, taking into account their impact on improving the efficiency of using scientific and technical potential and socio-economic development of the region as a whole. At the same time, he urged to focus on really specific and important things that can bring real benefits.

In general, the first organizational meeting showed that both scientists and production workers are interested in further development and strengthening of cooperation. It was decided to submit their proposals and wishes within two weeks, including amendments to existing laws that impede or restrain movement in the right direction, and approve the Council’s work plan.
Smagulova G.S.