On September 6, 2024, a debate was held in the Assembly Hall at 14:00, held by KDM and the Student Government, dedicated to Family Day, which was established in connection with special attention to family support issues after Kazakhstan gained independence.

The history of the appearance of this holiday is as follows: in 2006, the National Commission on Women’s Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy was established. In 2009, this commission took the initiative to establish a Family Day holiday. In 2013, a special presidential decree established Family Day in Kazakhstan, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of September.

Debates were held among students of all courses. The topic of discussion was “Family – the future of society”, related to the current issues of the crisis of the modern family:
- Difficulties in preserving the cultural and spiritual values of the people, the bearers of which have been the family for centuries.
- Weakening of the traditions of family relations and upbringing of the younger generation, such as building the foundations of a family based on love, faith, respect for spouses, reverence for elders, as well as the traditional division of roles, where the wife was considered the keeper of the hearth and was engaged in raising children, and the husband ensured the welfare of the family.
- The lack of reliable solutions to the most important demographic problems of the 21st century.
- During the event, students from all faculties showed high activity in discussing this issue, expanded their horizons and tried to answer the main question of the debate: what is a family in the 21st century?

We congratulate all Kazakhstanis on this holiday and wish that not only on this day, but always in our country, the family is respected and appreciated. On this bright day, it is important to pay more attention to your family and spend time with your loved ones!