Dear friends, the library of the Academy of “Bolashaq” continues to acquaint its readers with new books.
The fund of the library received a copy of another book by Y. G. Popov “From the memory of Botakarinsk”.
We invite everyone to get acquainted with another masterpiece of local history.
LBC 76.01
Popov JG.
From Botakara Memory. History and people through the publications in the newspaper “Bukhar zhyrau zharshys”, which turned 80 years old. Graphite” publishing house, Karaganda, 2021. – 174 p.
ISBN 978-601-06-7216-1
Popov Yuri Grigorievich – mining engineer, candidate of technical sciences, local historian. He was born in 1937 in Karaganda in the family of special immigrants. In the newspapers of the district center of Botakara is published since 1975. During this period, the author became acquainted with many of the old residents of the area, leafed through archival pages of past years.
During the years of such acquaintances and “excavations” grew the luggage of local history enthusiast. The complete set of district collections is in the State Archives of the Karaganda area: fund 1487, files from 137 to 169. Of particular interest are the letters and recollections of veterans. Thanks to such a scheme, the 75th anniversary of the village of Zelenaya Balka was celebrated, a visit to the homeland of the Hero of the Soviet Union I.I. Korneev was organized.
Materials about the first Kazakh professor mathematician A.A. Yermekov and Hero of the Soviet Union M.M. Mamrayev, with whom the author was familiar, were passed. With the participation of enthusiasts of the area and scientists of the Bolashak Academy the following books of the local historian were published: “Botakara Knot” (2010), “The Last Days of Heinrich Vogeler” (2008), “Karaganda in the Fates of Vladimir Eifert, Robert Grabbe and Heinrich Vogeler” (2012), “Semizbugy – Kounrad – Sayak” (2013), “The Foundation of Migration Villages in Saryarka Steppes” (2016), “The Semizbugy Mine and Its People” (2017). The materials of this publication are intended for the residents of Bukhar-Zhyrau district. They all appeared in the newspaper “Bukhar zhyrau zharshysy” thanks to the support of the editorial team, which is headed by Alia Sayatovna Zhumakayeva.
Continues the biography and traditions of the older generation, about which the local journalists have already told for 80 years, since April 12, 1939.