Author’s certificate Certificate of authorship: “Enhancing the potential of the individual history of the problem of innovation experience”, collective author by Академия "Bolashaq"|Published 20.12.2019
Published 20.12.2019 Certificate of authorship: “Dialogue of cultures in the modern world”, collective author
Published 21.04.2022 Author’s Certificate: Workbook and Electronic Textbook for Practical Classes and Independent Work on the Discipline “Fundamentals of Philosophy” Свидетельство-ЭУ-Я-Гульстан
Published 28.04.2022 Author’s Certificate: “IT-Class Educational Program for Grades 5–7″ Свидетельство-Я-Изтулеуова-Сауле
Published 20.12.2019 Certificate of authorship: “State and development of state financial system”, collective author