On February 18, 2025, a scientific webinar on the topic “Features of Written and Oral Scientific Speech” was held for students and master’s students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication. The event was organized by M.M. Mombekova, Master of Pedagogical Sciences and Senior Lecturer. The webinar focused […]
On February 18, a regular meeting of the volunteer organization “Meirim” was held at the Bolashaq Academy. The event was attended by Kadrin Tilegen, President of the Bolashak Republic, and the Academy’s student government organization. During the meeting, she introduced the new coordinator of the volunteer organization, Dana Zhaksylykova, and […]
Today, the rector of the Academy Kuanyshbek Bulanovich met with a well-known and qualified Doctor of Philology, Professor Abduov Mukamedkali Ilyasovich. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the latest achievements in the field of education and science and to consider new initiatives related to the development of the […]
📚✨A unique exhibition dedicated to the outstanding Kazakhstani scientist, writer and researcher Shokan Ualikhanov has been opened in the library of the Bolashaq Academy. This event provides an excellent opportunity to better understand the personality and legacy of this great man, who had a huge impact on the development of […]
Our city turned 91 years old! Karaganda is not just a large industrial center, but a true symbol of strength, labor and the history of Kazakhstan. We invite everyone to a unique book exhibition dedicated to this important event. Here you will find not only books, but also interesting facts […]
On February 17, 2025, teachers of the Department of “Pedagogy” G.S. Makhmutova and R.M. Zhanysbaeva conducted career guidance work with grades 10-11 of the “Lyceum School No. 66” in Karaganda. The career guidance work was conducted in the form of an interview on the topic “I am in the world […]
On February 17, an extraordinary XXll reporting and election conference of the Karaganda regional branch of the Zhastar Rukhy under the Amanat party was held, at which a new chairman was elected. The following issues will be considered on the next agenda of the conference: About the work of the […]
Associate Professor of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines at Bolashaq Academy Sadykova Kokesh Karigulovna remotely participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative potential of science development in the modern world: Achievement and Innovation”, which took place on January 28 of this year in Ufa, Republic of […]
On February 17, 2025, according to the plan of the branch of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, a conversation was held on the topic “Interaction of cultures: the influence of cultural trends on the formation of the worldview of modern youth.” The event was organized by the […]
Rector of the Academy “Bolashaq “Adanov Kuanyshbek Bulanovich held a meeting with Doctor of philological sciences, professor, honorary academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan Khamzin Mauen Khamzinovich. Khamzin Mauen Khamzinovich is a person who has a great experience in the field of education, many years of knowledge […]
On February 14, 2025, the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines organized the annual regional Chemistry and Biology Olympiad for 11th grade students of the Karaganda region at Bolashaq Academy. Applications in chemistry and biology from secondary schools of the city of Karaganda and the Karaganda region were accepted for the traditional […]
The Bolashaq Academy’s Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication held a curatorial hour for full—time students of the In-23-1,2, In-24,1K, 2k groups: “Foreign language: two foreign languages”. The topic of the event was watching video interviews with convicts for drug supply in Kazakhstan. The purpose of this event was […]
Today, February 14, is a special holiday for world book lovers – International Book Donation Day. In honor of this date, a special event was held at the regional educational institution of fundamental education at the Bolashaq Academy. The rector of the Academy Adanov Kuanyshbek Bulanovich presented the students with […]
On February 13, 2025, Rector of the Bolashaq Academy Kuanyshbek Bulanovich Adanov held a meeting with Professor of the Department of General Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, veteran of pedagogical labor Nabi Yelikbaev. During the meeting, issues related to […]
On February 13, 2025, the Karaganda Research University named after Academician E.A. Buketov hosted the regional subject Olympiad among students and cadets in law “De basics legis civilis – Fundamentals of Civil law”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician E.A. Buketov. A total of 10 teams took part in […]