Schedule Schedule of full-time students for 1 semester for the 2022-2023 academic year by Админ|Published 15.12.2022 6B04201-Law 6B04101-Finance 6B01702-Foreign-Language-two-foreign-language 6B01701-Kazakh-language-and-literature, 6B01703-Kazakh-and-Russian-language-in educational institutions-Kazakh-language-and-literature 6B01301-Pedagogy and methodology-basic-education 6B01201- Preschool-education-and-education 6B01101-pedagogy-and-psychology 6B10101-Pharmacy
Published 28.12.2023 Schedule of the state exam in the discipline “History of Kazakhstan” 2023-2024 academic year ОДО Қазақстан тарихы каз ОДО История Казахстана рус Қазақстан тарихы очка каз История Казахстана очка рус
Published 02.12.2024 Schedule of the state exam in the discipline “History of Kazakhstan” 2024-2025 academic year Schedule of the state exam in the discipline “History of Kazakhstan” 2024-2025 academic year