Yearly archives: 2019
Academy “Bolashaq” heartily congratulates you on the beginning of the school year! We wish everyone creative success, victories, inexhaustible thirst for knowledge! Good luck!
On September 1, a solemn ruler devoted to the Day of Knowledge was held. Rector of the Academy, Professor, Candidate of Philosophy Menlibayev Kuralbai Nesipbekovich said his welcome speech to the freshmen. He told students about achievements of the Academy over the years of its existence, about prospects of its […]
Bolashaq Academy heartily congratulates you on Constitution Day! Proclaiming the fundamental principles of progressive development of the united people of Kazakhstan. The Main Law of our country has stood the test of time and proved its viability. Thanks to this, Kazakhstan today has a worthy place in the international community. […]
Bolashaq Academy heartily congratulates you on Constitution Day!Proclaiming the fundamental principles of progressive development of the united people of Kazakhstan. The Main Law of our country has stood the test of time and proved its viability. Thanks to this, Kazakhstan today has a worthy place in the international community. Each […]
Academy “Bolashaq” heartily congratulates you on the beginning of the school year! We wish everyone creative success, victories, inexhaustible thirst for knowledge! Good luck!
Dear students and parents! By September 30, 2019 the documents confirming the right to get the discount for studying are accepted. Should you have any questions, please contact the Student Service Center. The meeting of the commission is scheduled for October 1, 2019.
Bolashaq Academy congratulates everyone on the coming September 1! The solemn event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge will take place on 1.09.2019 at 11.00. The gathering of students and teachers will be held at 10.00 in the building of the main building of the Academy “Bolashaq” at 16 Erubaev […]
On August 29 in the confection hall in a solemn atmosphere for the long work and dedication of the Academy “Bolashaq” staff and teaching staff was awarded the prize. Over the years, the university has formed a strong, cohesive team, thanks to which “Bolashaq” has become one of the leading […]
On August 29 in the confection hall in a solemn atmosphere for the long work and dedication of the Academy “Bolashaq” staff and teaching staff was awarded the prize. Over the years, the university has formed a strong, cohesive team, thanks to which “Bolashaq” has become one of the leading […]
Bolashaq Academy congratulates everyone on the coming September 1! The solemn event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge will take place on 1.09.2018 at 11.00.The gathering of students and teachers will be held at 10.00 in the building of the main building of the Academy “Bolashaq” at 16 Erubaev Street.
August 27, 2019 on the basis of the Department of Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services named after Kazybek bi of Karaganda city was held a seminar on the implementation of the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the RK “On additional immunization against measles and […]
Dear students! We continue to receive applications for settling in the House of students “Bolashaq” of foreign students. Applications are accepted at the following address: 33 Anzherskaya St., Karaganda. Phones: 42-04-25, 44-16-44
On June 26, 2019 the Republican Conference “Bilimnin saltanat kuruy” took place in Nur-Sultan, where the winners of competitions in various categories took part.Ayagan Burkitbay Gelmanuly, the author of the State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhandarbek Malibekov, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director of the Institute of State […]