On October 16, in the assembly hall of “Bolashaq” academy there was a creative meeting with the People’s Artist of RK, laureate of the state award of RK Zhaniya Aubakirova (official site of Zhaniya Aubakirova http://aubakirova.com/). By the decision of the Academic Council Zhaniya Yakhiaevna Aubakirova was awarded the title […]
Daily archives: 16.10.2019
3 posts
On October 10, a meeting of the student scientific circle “Adilet” was held on the theme: “Academic Integrity and Anti-Corruption Culture”. The meeting of the circle was held by Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of legal disciplines A.T. Kabzhanov. The participants of the meeting of the […]
October 14th is an extraordinary day! Why? Because the first meeting of the psychological club “Personality Plus” on the theme “Interesting research in the history of psychology and modern science (retrospective and the results of scientific student work)” was held this academic year, which was attended by students from freshmen […]