On September 26, 2019, Bekturov Regional Youth Library in cooperation with “Bolashaq” Academy held a republican action “One country – one book”. As part of this action an online conference “Zamannyn zangar tulgalary” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of A. Kekilbayev and the 110th anniversary of the poet, playwright A. […]
Daily archives: 26.09.2019
Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology on November 23, 2019 holds an international scientific-practical conference on “Politics and spiritual life of the Russian Empire in Central Asia”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the famous historian, Ph.D., Professor Serik Mektepovich Mashimbayev. Areas of work […]
On September 25, a meeting with foreign students studying at Bolashaq Academy was held in the assembly hall. The organizers of this meeting: B.T. Akhmetova, Vice-Rector on Education Affairs, A.M. Babashev, coordinator on work with foreign students, A.A. Kusdainova, lawyer, S.G. Kuur, doctor of the Academy, and active students of […]
On September 25, the newly elected Cabinet of Ministers of the Bolashaq Student Parliament of the Republic was solemnly presented with certificates confirming and conferring powers. Rector and professors of the Academy made a farewell speech, wishing to make a significant contribution to the development and establishment of our Academy.