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Daily archives: 28.08.2019
On June 26, 2019 the Republican Conference “Bilimnin saltanat kuruy” took place in Nur-Sultan, where the winners of competitions in various categories took part.Ayagan Burkitbay Gelmanuly, the author of the State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhandarbek Malibekov, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director of the Institute of State […]
On 28 August 2019, the training centre of the provincial court held a scientific and practical conference entitled “Judicial and legal reform – increasing public confidence in justice”.The following issues were discussed as part of the conference:1. Modernization of the judicial system as part of the legislative changes adopted.2. Criminal […]
August 27, 2019 on the basis of the Department of Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services named after Kazybek bi of Karaganda city was held a seminar on the implementation of the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the RK “On additional immunization against measles and […]
On 28 August 2019, the training centre of the provincial court held a scientific and practical conference entitled “Judicial and legal reform – increasing public confidence in justice”. The following issues were discussed as part of the conference: Modernization of the judicial system as part of the legislative changes adopted. […]
In order to attract foreign partnership and career guidance, on August 23, 2019 a meeting of high school students and teachers of schools and colleges of Karaganda city and region was held with the Rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” professor Menlibayev Kuralbai Nesipbekovich, during which the guests of the university […]